
animations / audio / collections / emoticon / film / software / special interests / stuff

animations  ^ 

- llizard aka ejm - ascii animations
- joan g. stark - ascii art animations -- java script
- veronica karlsson - ascii animations

audio  ^ 

- ascii art ensemble - history of art for the blind
- margarete jahrman - femprn pinups

collections  ^ 

- ascii art
- ascii art abominations
- andreas freise - ascii dictionary
- hansol's ascii art collection
- allen mullen - ascii home page
- jonathon r. oglesbee - ascii art webring
- - ascii art collection
- - thw ascii & news archive

emoticon  ^ 

- christof walter - smiley lexikon
- yahoo directory - emoticons

film  ^ 

- vuk cosic - ascii history of moving images
- ascii art ensemble - deep ascii
- asciimation - star wars

software  ^ 

- around midnight - ascii animation editor
- ian chai, glen chappell, frank sheeran - figlet
- alan de smet - ioccc entry
- boris a. glazer - bg_ascii
- markus gebhard - jave (java ascii versatile editor)
- corey mercer - ascii invaders
- softtouch software - fabs (ascii banner generator)
- werner strömer - smiley dolmetscher

special interests  ^ 

- @sciifer - random babe
- joshua bell - star trek ascii art archive
- - simpsons ascii art
- armando frazão - dragonball ascii art
- duffland - simpsons ascii art
- google search results: ascii porn
- yanni ellen liu - ascii art: love
- joe reiss - star wars ascii
- dov sherman - anime ascii art

stuff  ^ 

- andy deck - icontext
- the funny bone - a free weekly e-zine of humor!
- bruno jobard - pictext service
- jodi - %location
- veronica karlsson - ascii purity test
- roman minaev - trashconnection
- fabian potencier - online ascii image converter
- alexej shulgin - xxx
- yahoo group - sig ascii interest group list